TarBar Cigarette Filters Box of 30 Filters

One filter for 6 - 7 cigaretts This product will not repair damage to the lungs..It has been proven that with the constant use of the TARBAR filters ,much of the harmfull substances will REMAIN in the FILTER and not enter your LUNGS. SCIENCE.....With inhalation the smoke is fed into the filter and forced through the 6 pinpoint holes creating a circular motion with wind speeds in excess of 200 mph. The centrifugal force pushes much of the impurities to the sides of the filter preventing them from entering your lungs.
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TarBar Cigarette Filters Box of 30 Filters Reviews
Each filter last for roughly 7 cigarettes
Reduces Morning Throat Burn
Also reduces Tar & Nicotine
Each pack has 30 filters
Promotes whiter teeth
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TarBar Cigarette Filters Box of 30 Filters

TarBar Cigarette Filters Box of 30 Filters One filter for 6 - 7 cigaretts This product will not repair damage to the lungs..It has been proven that with the constant use of the TARBAR filters ,much of the harmfull substances will REMAIN in the FILTER and not enter your LUNGS. SCIENCE.....With inhalation the smoke is fed into the filter and forced through the 6 pinpoint holes creating a circular motion with wind speeds in excess of 200 mph. The centrifugal force pushes much of the impurities to the sides of the filter preventing them from entering your lungs.

Tarbar Cigarette Filters (24 Packs of 30 Filters = 720 Filters) One Display

Tarbar Cigarette Filters (24 Packs of 30 Filters = 720 Filters) One Display Great Value
Posted on 2012-07-24 13:51:16